Wednesday, March 30, 2016

camp 2016

For camp we went to Hanmer springs forest camp it was fun we did tree climbing, mountain biking, we went on a waterfall track, orienteering and we got to go to the pools. We stayed there for 3 days and 2 nights.

What we did for tree climbing we put our harnesses on and then we put our helmets on then we had to check them then we were ready to climb we had to have 4 people the climber  the belayer the muscle and the rope manager. there were 2 trees that we could climb. Then we did a milk crate challenge.

Mountain biking was very long we did a 2 hour bike ride we had to go up and down rocky hills it was fun going down the hills.

The waterfall was a long walk but went we got there it was worth it the waterfall was so big and cold.

For orienteering we had a hour to find as many points as we could we had a map and a timer and a pen and paper we had to do some running to get there in time.

And the we had tea and at six we went to the pools it was so fun and after that we had pudding and then supper and then went to bed.

tree climbing

the super bowl 

Monday, March 21, 2016

My think board

                                         in our math group we had to see how much paper we were recycling each week so what we did is we each got a chunk of paper out of the recycling box and then we had to see how much we had and everyone in our group had to put what we had on the board and the we had to put them altogether

Tuesday, March 8, 2016


In our reading group we are reading a book called holes