Wednesday, September 9, 2015

A Job to Do

 A job to do 

In this book my target is to learn lots of new things about jobs. 
we are learning about all sorts of jobs in our reading group.
In our reading group we are reading a book called A Job to do this book is about lots of different job that people do. In this story it talks about choices that people have to make. Also unconventional ( this means weird ) like on one of the pages there are people sucking up ants with a tub.

And also in one of the pages it talks about animal behavior if you want to work with animals. animals can be very smart. Animals can be smarter then people like say a pig or dog they are some very smart animals. working with animals can be very dangerous

And we had to write about some information about the that we found out and any words we did not know or any thing we had to have clarified. And we have faces this is how the faces work. there are different colored faces so we know when it is our turn to read the page.


  1. The unconventional job is interesting. Can you just reread you last paragraph as I am not sure what you are meaning.

  2. The unconventional job is interesting. Can you just reread you last paragraph as I am not sure what you are meaning.


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